5 reasons why slang is important in language learning

Check out these 5 convincing arguments for why using slang will help you learn a language. It’s the top five list you were unaware even existed, and you can easily do without it.

Without further ado, here are 5 reasons to add a bit of slang to your twang.

To Avoid a Major Linguistic Faux-Pas

One of the hardest parts of learning a new language is undoubtedly comprehending (and memorizing) common slang terms. You will undoubtedly use a slang phrase while learning the language and sound completely bonkers, homies.

Slang phrases often have subtleties or complexity that non-native speakers miss. Some English slang expressions could be construed as derogatory or offensive by some people. The British slang word “bloody,” which is used to convey rage or irritation, fits this description. Others might use language that contradicts their actual meaning: In slang, the word “sick” denotes ill health even though it can also signify “cool” or “great.”

Slang’s impact on communication also depends on the other party. It could be impolite to casually drop a French argot slang word while eating lunch with your French employer, and it might also put you at a disadvantage. However, your new French friends could find your word choice adorable.

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To Blend in with the Locals and Speak like an Insider

It is unrealistic to expect non-native speakers of a language to sound natural just from what they have learned in French, English, German, Spanish, or Italian class. Adding a few slang phrases here and there will help you stand out.

Slang will enable you to speak more effectively on public transportation, in cafés and restaurants, and with your Airbnb host while allowing you to express a larger spectrum of emotions. 

You’ll be able to communicate with people from different generations by learning a variety of slang phrases, both old and new. In the end, speaking in slang will help you fit in and establish rapport with your group.

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To Get a Feel of a Language’s Culture

Slang is more than just words and expressions used casually. It also involves learning about the communities that use and have used the language, as well as its history. If you’re learning English, for example, including British, Canadian, or Australian slang phrases in your vocabulary will help you understand the language’s past and introduce you to new cultural and historical allusions.

Slang-based language acquisition may enhance your entire cultural experience. Slang is used constantly, whether it be in TV shows, literature, songs, or podcasts. But chances are you’ll be missing out on some important cultural aspects of the language you’re studying if you don’t know a lot of the most popular slang terms. That is why slangs are an important part of our spoken English classes and Interview preparation classes.

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To Stay Current with New Language Trends

The wealth of slang expressions available in Spanish, German, French, Italian, and English may overwhelm you, but if you want to be trendy, you need to remain on top of the most recent slang terminology. Slang is one of the most rapidly growing forms of language, which is one of its best qualities (and most unpleasant for language learners).

This means that throughout time, slang terms can change in meaning to reflect the ideals of a community. Even common terms might acquire new meanings because of slang. In contrast to its literal meaning of “to bend,” the slang term “flex” today frequently refers to the act of “showing off” or “boasting” (such as flexing one’s muscles).

To Go Beyond Textbooks

You should probably stop using classroom textbooks if you’re having trouble learning a foreign language. When traveling or studying abroad, slang is an informal language that isn’t generally found in grammar books yet is crucial. Even if learning slang terms and idioms may not be your first topic of language study, you should consider doing so rather soon.

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